Animamundi: Dark Alchemist is a 2004 Japanese gothic horror visual novel developed by Karin Entertainment and distributed by Hirameki International in the United States in 2006.
The story starts many years after Count Georik Zaberisk, once famed as the brilliant Royal Physician of the King of Hardland, relinquishes his title and moves to the country to care for his frail sister, Lillith. His life since that time has been that of a normal aristocrat, with little out of the ordinary befalling him.
One day, when the King offers Georik a new position as doctor in the capital, he jumps at the chance. However, while he is away from his manor, things take a horrifying turn for his sister when the villagers suspect her of witchcraft and as a result behead her and burn her body.
Devastated by the death of his sister, Georik is grief-stricken until he realizes with shock that Lillith's severed head is still alive. Knowing that she cannot live like this forever, Georik tries to restore Lillith's body by transplanting the head from one body to the next, but despite his medical genius, he cannot make her whole again.
In the depths of desperation, he stumbles across the secrets of alchemy, secrets long ago forbidden. Seeing no other way to save his sister, Georik has no choice but to start his journey down this dark and dangerous path.
Animamundi is an interactive visual novel. For the most part the narrative is linear but many times during the game players will be asked to make timed choices that affect the course of the game. Because of this the game has many endings.
The game is unique in the use of an item system. Players are encouraged to collect as many items as they can not only to get the best ending but is mandatory in order to move past two intregal points in the story. Although there are a few scenes and endings that can only be seen if players have a very low item count or fail to get enough to get past those two moments.
This upload includes the original ISO of the game, patches fixing the game and restoring visuals to their uncensored Japanese versions. Also bundled in the archive is a very hard to find walkthrough in PDF format to help players get all the endings and items.
Advisory: Animamundi does not contain any graphic sexual scenes. It does though feature scenes with heavy sensuality mostly between men. There are also scenes of graphic violence not to mention disturbing themes. It's highly recommended that those under 18 refrain from playing. التحميل من هنا
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